Happy release day Moonbeam

moonbeam-thundercloud-bannerSo today I’m super excited to release my 9th novel, called Moonbeam.

It’s an alternative tale to the Dragonian Series. I always wondered what Elena’s life would be, what type of a person would she be if her mother was present in her life, and growing up with the Rubicon.

It plays a huge part in the Dragonian Series, what if, and through out Elena always wondered what her life would be like. I know the actual series would not exist but I still had this yurning ache inside of me to write the story. So, I give you Moonbeam, the tale of an extra ordinary girl, and her dragon, and how different their lives would’ve been if they grew up together, if there weren’t around every corner death threats and darkness that tried to keep them apart. Sure the novel has it’s ups and downs too, but it’s a completely different story, one that I am so in love with myself.

I hope you are all going to love this one as much as I treasure it.

Moonbeam is available on all the online stores. Go grab your copy right now.



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